Young university student happy to know how to invest his money when he's young

Investing your money from a young age is a wise and judicious financial decision. Whether you're still at school, just starting out in your career or just out of the family nest, managing your finances can seem daunting. That's why it's important to understand the different investment options and put the right strategy in place. In this article, explore the different investment options available to young people, along with practical advice on how to invest effectively and with confidence.

Financial investments

When you're young, choosing where to invest your money can seem complex, with so many options available. However, understanding the pros and cons of each type of financial investment can help you make informed decisions. In this first part, find out about the different investment options available to young people.

The actions

Investing in actions means buy shares in a company. Young people can invest in individual shares or opt for mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
Equities offer potential for high long-term returns and allow investors to participate in the growth of successful companies. However, they are subject to market volatilityThis exposes investors to risk of capital lossThey require in-depth research and ongoing monitoring.


Bonds are loans granted to governments or companies in exchange for regular interest payments and repayment of the capital at maturity.
They are generally more stable than equitiesoffering a regular income in the form of interest payments and are less sensitive to market fluctuations. Nonetheless, their returns are often lower than those of equitiesand there is a risk of default for less solid corporate bonds.

Index funds

Index funds are mutual funds or ETFs designed to track the performance of a specific stock market index, such as the S&P 500.
Index funds offer a instant diversificationand are often recommended for beginners because of their simplicity and generally low costs. They track the performance of the market as a whole. However, they are limited to the performance of the underlying index and may be exposed to risk of market fluctuations.

Real estate

Young people can investing in property by purchasing physical property such as houses, flats or commercial properties, or by investing in property funds (REITs) which own and manage various property assets.
Property investment offers a rental income potentialan opportunity to capital development and enables portfolio diversification. However, it requires substantial initial fundingThis leads to maintenance and management costsand offers limited liquidity.

High-interest savings accounts

High-interest savings accounts offer a higher interest rate than traditional savings accounts, allowing young people toaccumulate short-term savings with a little more return.
They also offer high liquidity and capital protection. But their yields are often lower to those of higher-yielding investments, and they can be subject to withdrawal limits or charges.


Although more risky, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum also offer young investors an opportunity to diversification of their portfolio.
In addition, cryptocurrencies offer a potential for high yields and represent an innovative technology. Nevertheless, they are subject to extreme volatilityexposing investors to risk of total lossThey face uncertain security and regulatory issues that require a thorough understanding of the market.

Putting the right things in place

Investing your money effectively involves more than simply choosing where to put your money. It also involves putting in place sound financial strategies, managing risk and understanding your own financial goals. In this second part, discover a number of practical tips for investing effectively when you're young.

Drawing up a financial strategy

  • Developing a financial strategy : Before you start investing, define your short-, medium- and long-term financial goals. This could include goals such as buying a house, preparing for retirement, etc.
  • Learning the basics of investing : Take the time to educate yourself about the different types of investment available. Understand the risks and potential returns of each type of investment.
  • Diversify your investments: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your portfolio by investing in different types of assets to reduce overall risk.

Adopting the right investment behaviour

  • Start early: One of the advantages that young people have when it comes to investing is time. Starting early allows you to benefit from the long-term growth of investments and the effect of the capitalisation of interest.
  • Saving regularly : Establish a regular savings habit, even if it's just a small amount each month. The cumulative effect of these small savings can be significant over the long term.
  • Be patient and disciplined: Financial markets can be volatile in the short term. It is important to remain calm and disciplined, avoiding knee-jerk reactions to market fluctuations.

Finally, if you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure about the best way to invest your money, don't hesitate to call on our Ravel Finance's investment portfolio management company. Whether with our Index Invest service, Estate Invest or via our Smart Hedgefund, don't wait any longer to invest now ! Make an appointment with an advisor and develop a personalised investment strategy together depending on your objectives and risk tolerance.


Investing from a young age is an essential step towards building a solid foundation for a prosperous financial future. By exploring different investment options and putting thoughtful financial strategies into practice, young people can not only diversify their portfolios, but also maximise their long-term growth potential. With patience, discipline and a clear understanding of financial goals, transform your savings into a source of security and prosperity for years to come.